Thursday, December 1, 2011

Coenzyme Q-10 in Electron Transport Chain

 Coenzyme Q-10 is a part of mitochondria and takes an active role in the electron transport chain. It accepts hydrogen atoms formed during carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism. It accepts electrons from complex I and complex II cytochromes and transfers them to a comlex III cytochrome. Co Q-10 also transfers protons outside the mitochondrial membrane. The cascade of these processes generates ATP thus creates energy needed for our daily lives.

Below is a diagram showing Co Q-10 (marked as UQ) in the electron transport chain.


Meredith Spindler, M Flint Beal, Claire Henchcliffe. Coenzyme Q10 effects in neurodegenerative disease. Dove Press Journal: Neuropsychiatric Deasease and Treatment, November 6, 2009. p. 597-610

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